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- Help with resizing an image from the web. (722595 resizer views)
- What's the difference between JPG and PNG image formats? ... (637573 resizer views)
- How can I resize a picture in inches? For ... (635069 resizer views)
- How do I crop someone out of a picture ... (630693 resizer views)
- Why is my picture blurry when i make it ... (620973 resizer views)
- What does the "Don't Resize" button mean? (589957 resizer views)
- How do I get the exact image resolution of ... (589232 resizer views)
- How do I add the resized picture to MySpace? ... (587297 resizer views)
- How can I make an image be a specific ... (566595 resizer views)
- How do I rotate my image? (512695 resizer views)
Latest FAQs
- How do I rotate my image? (2011-07-19 17:13)
- How do I get the exact image resolution of ... (2011-07-19 04:19)
- Help with resizing an image from the web. (2011-07-19 04:13)
- How can I make an image be a specific ... (2009-09-06 22:00)
- I was sent an email recently with pictures imbedded ... (2009-09-06 21:53)
Sticky FAQs
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- Image Formats: What is a PNG file?Answer: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a bitmap image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG was created to both improve upon and replace the GIF ...
- Image Formats: What's the difference between JPG and PNG image formats?Answer: Generally speaking, the difference is negligible. JPG files are compressed using a method that degrades the quality of the image to create much smaller files. ...
- Help: Help with resizing an image from the web.Answer: If you would like to resize your image that is hosted on another website without first downloading it to your computer, you can enter the ...
- Image Resizing: How can I resize a picture in inches? For instance, I have a picture I want to be 4x6. What would that be in pixels?
Thank you,
RosanneAnswer: Pixels and Inches are different. You probably want to crop your image to 4x6. This is a feature Resizr is working on.Here is a website ...
- Help: How do I add the resized picture to MySpace?Answer: After resizing your image, select the 'get codes' link, and copy/paste the myspace code into the comments box. ...
- Help: Why is my picture blurry when i make it bigger?Answer: When you're using the "slider" to scale the image, the image may appear blurry. After you click the "resize my image" button, the server will ...
- Help: How do I crop someone out of a picture using Resizr?Answer: Select one of the "crop" options. "Free Crop" lets you crop however you want. The other options are there to let you specify the proportions ...
- Image Resizing: How do I get the exact image resolution of 320 pixels high and 240 pixels wide. I need it to be exact. Can you help?Answer: After loading an image into Resizr, you can type in the width and height manually into the "width" and "height" field. ...
- Help: How do I enter a picture from my files to be used in your system? Your instructions do not elaborate.Answer: To upload an image for resizing, click the "browse" button in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Then, browse to where the image ...
- Help: What does the "Don't Resize" button mean?Answer: Sometimes, people want to keep the original image the same size, but just perform a specific function, using resizr.For example, if you wanted to rotate ...