Image Resizing

ID #1047

How can I make an image be a specific size AFTER cropping?

If you are trying to crop an image AND get it to be a specific size, you have to do this in two steps - cropping the image without resizing it and THEN resizing the image. First, crop the image using "manual" crop. Put the size of your picture as the two dimensions in manual mode. For example, if you need an image to be 300x250, you would put "300" and "250" in the manual crop mode boxes. Then, select "Don't resize" and save as "PNG." Select "resize my image." Download that image. Second, go back to and upload the image you just downloaded. Resize it to the specific size by entering the exact size you want. Click the Resize button and download your image. You're done!

Ready to Resize? Go to Resizr, the Image Resizer.

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Last update: 2009-09-06 22:00
Author: Matt
Revision: 1.0

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