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Most popular FAQs 
- Help with resizing an image from the web. (725515 resizer views)
- What's the difference between JPG and PNG image formats? ... (640181 resizer views)
- How can I resize a picture in inches? For ... (637675 resizer views)
- How do I crop someone out of a picture ... (633325 resizer views)
- Why is my picture blurry when i make it ... (624884 resizer views)
- What does the "Don't Resize" button mean? (592565 resizer views)
- How do I get the exact image resolution of ... (591789 resizer views)
- How do I add the resized picture to MySpace? ... (588399 resizer views)
- How can I make an image be a specific ... (569219 resizer views)
- How do I rotate my image? (515526 resizer views)
Latest FAQs 
- How do I rotate my image? (2011-07-19 17:13)
- How do I get the exact image resolution of ... (2011-07-19 04:19)
- Help with resizing an image from the web. (2011-07-19 04:13)
- How can I make an image be a specific ... (2009-09-06 22:00)
- I was sent an email recently with pictures imbedded ... (2009-09-06 21:53)
Sticky FAQs
- After using Resizr, does the image stay online?
Yes, but only briefly. The image stays online long enough for you to download it. We periodically remove old images to conserve disk ... - After my picture has been resized, when i right click there is no option for save target as or anything similar.
Make sure you're right clicking on the image. ...