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Latest FAQs 
- How do I rotate my image? (2011-07-19 17:13)
- How do I get the exact image resolution of ... (2011-07-19 04:19)
- Help with resizing an image from the web. (2011-07-19 04:13)
- How can I make an image be a specific ... (2009-09-06 22:00)
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Sticky FAQs
ID #1012
What does the "Don't Resize" button mean?
Sometimes, people want to keep the original image the same size, but just perform a specific function, using resizr.
For example, if you wanted to rotate an image, but not resize it, then you would select "don't resize."
In the future, when we (hopefully) support image cropping and other image processing, then this feature will be more useful.
Ready to Resize? Go to Resizr, the Image Resizer.
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- How do I get the picture once I get a text message?
- How do I rotate my image?
Author: Matt
Revision: 1.0