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Sticky FAQs
Image Resizing
When resizing, should I save the original picture for printing large format photos later?
Full Question:
Resizing pictures is soooooo confusing: inches vs pixels vs dpi. Yesterday I took a bunch of pictures with my new 8 megapixel digital camera. I wanted to send some of them by e-mail. They were huge, so I resized them so that they would send quickly and easily. My question is: should I have saved the original picture as well, in case I should want to print an 8 x 10 photo? Or will the print quality be just as good when printed from the reduced size? Or is there a way to change the picture back to its original size???? I am so confused! Most of the time I just want to look at the picture on my computer, but I certainly want the option of printing a large, GOOD quality picture if I want. Can I do both of these things after I've reduced the size? Can you help? Thanks!
Yes, you should keep the large photos around for pictures you want to print later. Depending on the photo and how small you make it, there could be a big difference in quality.
Ready to Resize? Go to Resizr, the Image Resizer.
Related entries:
- What is a PNG file?
- What's the difference between JPG and PNG image formats?
- Help with resizing an image from the web.
- How can I resize a picture in inches? For instance, I have a picture I want to be 4x6. What would that be in pixels? Thank you, Rosanne
- How do I add the resized picture to MySpace?
Author: Matt
Revision: 1.0