Image Resizing

ID #1043

I wish to crop an image so it will appear as a specific shape.

Resizr offers several options for cropping an image. You can select Free, Square, 4x6, or Manual. "Free" allows you to crop to any dimension you want. "Square" makes the height and width be equal (it's a square, which is a four sided polygon with all sides the same length). "4x6" makes the ratio of height to width be 4 to 6. "Manual" does the same thing as "4x6" except you get to choose the size. So, if you want to make a 5x7 print, select "Manual" and enter "5" and "7" in the boxes.

Ready to Resize? Go to Resizr, the Image Resizer.

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Last update: 2009-09-06 21:43
Author: Matt
Revision: 1.0

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